☕️ Design Space and the Generative Spectrum
Untangling some of the abstract and ambiguous possibilities of designing with AI.
Design tips, guides, and practical advice to advance your practice.
Untangling some of the abstract and ambiguous possibilities of designing with AI.
Rich Fulcher on game design, UX systems, and beautifying Google products
How type design made me see all the “fixed” logos on social media in a new, dimmer light.
Engineering as the "study of making choices."
How the heady early days of Material unfolded.
Okay. I don’t need to open this post with the ketchup bottle meme. It’s a picture that everyone’
The phrase “make designs,” I would argue, does not describe what occurs when the button is pressed.
Decentralized platforms are picking up steam, and one reason I’m excited for that comes back to Google+
The most interesting explorations are those that show something unexpected: a constellation of system features that creates a slight unbalance or a new focal point in the composition.
Drawing to feel, and the chair as interface.